Welcome to my food adventures!

I have recently decided to put my obscene love of food to some use. Now family and friends can keep up with me as I explore different kinds of food - at home, at restaurants, in other countries, etc.! I really do find that I associate lots of great memories with the food I eat. So this is as much a project for myself as it is for my friends and family. Enjoy! Hope some of it makes you hungry :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Testing my blog - starting with an old favorite - breakfast!

Whole wheat pancakes with scrambled eggs and cheese. Wouldn't be complete without a glass of (skim) milk! Mmm. This is actually Josh's plate. As a a courteous chef, I took the one that was completely black. Although, I ended up throwing it out for the birds! ;)

Some syrup would have been nice. Josh ended up with Cascadian Farm Ogranic Blueberry fruit spread and I with Nutella. Going separate ways does not always have to be a bad thing!

It was a great breakfast for starting off the day and starting off my summer in Astoria, NY.

Just FYI:
Jam: http://cascadianfarm.elsstore.com/view/category/216-fruit-spreads/

Pancake mix: http://maplegrove.stores.yahoo.net/orpawamix1.html

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About Me

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I'm 25-yr-old grad student who is really getting into her food. I live very far away from my family and most of my dear friends, and I would like to be able to share my food adventures with them. As most of them know, food is really the only constant in my life.
