Welcome to my food adventures!

I have recently decided to put my obscene love of food to some use. Now family and friends can keep up with me as I explore different kinds of food - at home, at restaurants, in other countries, etc.! I really do find that I associate lots of great memories with the food I eat. So this is as much a project for myself as it is for my friends and family. Enjoy! Hope some of it makes you hungry :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Blue Moon Barbecue Chicken Stirfry

This was a dinner at home in Boston a couple weeks ago. As you can see, it ended up being quite a lot of food! So it wasn't just dinner; it was lunch for a few days. I really love me some leftovers and have a knack for preparing them.

This was made by taking some basmati rice (my favorite rice by far), frozen broccoli, carrots and cauliflower, fresh mushroom slices, and skinless chicken breast and throwing it all in the skillet with some light barbecue sauce and a bit of Blue Moon beer. It turned out very nicely, super flavorful and if I'm not mistaken, not bad for me :) I'm not a huge fan of beer but like the taste of Blue Moon - it makes a great addition in the skillet (especially with something like mushrooms, which soak it up). I'll have to make it again soon!

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About Me

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I'm 25-yr-old grad student who is really getting into her food. I live very far away from my family and most of my dear friends, and I would like to be able to share my food adventures with them. As most of them know, food is really the only constant in my life.
