Welcome to my food adventures!

I have recently decided to put my obscene love of food to some use. Now family and friends can keep up with me as I explore different kinds of food - at home, at restaurants, in other countries, etc.! I really do find that I associate lots of great memories with the food I eat. So this is as much a project for myself as it is for my friends and family. Enjoy! Hope some of it makes you hungry :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

First meal in Costa Rica!

My host mom made this for me, Rebecca (from Colorado) and Juan (my host brother). There is also Escrappy, the dog, whom I love dearly. It's going to be a fun month :D

Last Tasti d lite for a month!

On my last day in the city, Ben and I walked around Central Park for hours. It was a great deal of fun, including carousel ride, lots of neat sights and unfortunately lots and lots of sweating. It started with a visit to Tasti d lite at Columbus circle. It was the perfect cool down from the hot humidity.

Then we burned off all the calories on our walk and ended up at bare burger in astoria.

I'm waiting now in JFK with Gina, getting ready to fly to Costa Rica! I'll miss the city :'( but hopefully I'll find some food adventures there too.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Obligatory Waffle House waffle

In Mt. Juliet, TN where my nephew had a baseball tournament going on. Coincidentally, my parents' hotel was only ten minutes or so from the Nashville airport, so my surprise visit ended up fitting in their schedule (more or less). Aside from airport food, this was my last memorable meal in the south. I didn't even taint it with syrup! Can't get Waffle House where I'm headed!

I actually have lots of fond memories associated with this establishment (there are two within 10 minutes of my parents' house in Knoxville so it wasn't hard to end up at one). Not the healthiest by any means but can be just the right food given the appropriate circumstances. :)

I'm making this post from the Charlotte airport, waiting on a flight to Newark and back to nyc! Just sitting here, obsessing over my flight to Costa Rica which is coming up on Monday the 28th.

Josh is currently in other parts if NC for his dad's wedding, and I wish I could see him.

Unfortunately I've got no reason to post on any food I've had today. Grosss. But hopefully my last day in nyc will produce something interesting and tasty!

Friday, June 25, 2010

White wine penne with mushrooms and multigrain French bread

This was a delicious and easy dinner that I made with the help of my mom. I made a white wine béchamel that I found in a book of sauce recipes (title of book forthcoming). My mom prepared the mushrooms and the pasta. I will edit this post later with all the details (on my phone now). Just trying not to get behind!

Just a little news!

 NPR.org » 5 Surprising Salt Sources In Food 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Menchie's fro yo in Knoxville, TN

My addiction to Tasti d lite has been quelled by this place I found in Ktown. It's self-serve and by weight. They have lots of flavors, tons of toppings, and every machine does a swirl of its two flavors. So I tested out the pomegrante and country vanilla swirl. I added dark chocolate chips, strawberries, and a fat-free brownish cube. Mmmm.

Thus yogurt is especially special because I'm here in TN for my mom's birthday. I came up with the crazy idea to hitch a ride with josh on his way to the south and detour to TN so that we could make it in time to be home when she got home from dinner. I had pizza with my stepsisters while we waited for my parents to get home, then when they arrived I hid upstairs. I called the house as my mom walked in, asking her how dinner was while I creeped down the stairs. As she was talking to me on the phone, I walked around the corner into the kitchen area, only for her to be messing with the phone in her hand and not notice me at all. I then asked her to look around Becky and she complied, although confused, and the look on her face was priceless. She said, "I have to hang up the phone now," and then it was laughing and chaos and birthday cake fun.

I owe a lot to Josh for making the surprise possible. It was a lot of driving and very little sleep, but worth it! I'll be taking her to Menchie's soon.

Menchie's fro yo in Knoxville, TN

My addiction to Tasti d lite has been quelled by this place I found in Ktown. It's self-serve and by weight. They have lots of flavors, tons of toppings, and every machine does a swirl of its two flavors. So I tested out the pomegrante and country vanilla swirl. I added dark chocolate chips, strawberries, and a fat-free brownish cube. Mmmm.

Thus yogurt is especially special because I'm here in TN for my mom's birthday. I came up with the crazy idea to hitch a ride with josh on his way to the south and detour to TN so that we could make it in time to be home when she got home from dinner. I had pizza with my stepsisters while we waited for my parents to get home, then when they arrived I hid upstairs. I called the house as my mom walked in, asking her how dinner was while I creeped down the stairs. As she was talking to me on the phone, I walked around the corner into the kitchen area, only for her to be messing with the phone in her hand and not notice me at all. I then asked her to look around Becky and she complied, although confused, and the look on her face was priceless. She said, "I have to hang up the phone now," and then it was laughing and chaos and birthday cake fun.

I owe a lot to Josh for making the surprise possible. It was a lot of driving and very little sleep, but worth it! I'll be taking her to Menchie's soon.

Chicken pita with snap peas and hummus

This is a delicious little item I made out of my leftover chicken and snap peas. I cut a pita in half, then stuffed it with grilled chicken and snap peas. Next, I smothered it (as best I could) with hummus and put the two halves in the microwave for about 30 seconds. When they were done heating, I sprinkled some shredded cheese over the top and stuffed it into some of the crevices. This was actually Josh's lunch, which he enjoyed - unless he's totally been putting me on. I tried a bite too, and I liked it! :) One of our last days in Astoria for quite awhile!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Midnight snack: strawberry banana Nutella smoothie

Frozen strawberries, one banana, and a tablespoon of Nutella. Plus a little more on top! Would be great with some cool whip on a summer day.

Lettuce piles and toasted multi grain bread with cheddar

Tonight, I ran to the supermarket and grabbed some quick ingredients that I thought would be good for lettuce wraps. Fully intent upon making wraps, I ended up with lettuce piles, but they proved to be just as scrumptious and surely just as healthy :) I skillet-boiled (what is the term for this?) two boneless, skinless chicken breasts and cut them into pieces. While skillet-boiling the chicken, I chopped and boiled two red potatoes. When the chicken was done, I added a couple of handfuls of snap peas, Italian dressing, and the boiled potatoes. I then simmered all of these ingredients together for approximately ten minutes, and the mixture came out well.

While preparing the ingredients for the would-be pile, I washed and dried some leaves of romaine lettuce and laid them on our plates. I also sliced up a multi grain baguette (5-6 slices), topped it with olive oil and cheddar, and threw them in the oven at 400 degrees for ten minutes or so (I really should get better at keeping track of how long I do these things... but I really just don't think about the time while I'm cooking unless I'm baking something - otherwise my intuition usually takes me in the right direction).

When all was done, I arranged the pile of Italian chicken, potatoes and snap peas on the beds of lettuce, added a few slices of cheesy multi grain toast, and set it all out on the table. Not too fancy, I'm afraid. But so good! And easy. I had plenty of leftovers - the other 3 chicken breasts (which I skillet-boiled and put away) I can use for nachos or for stuffing pita bread; same goes for the lettuce, and pretty much the same goes for the snap peas (except the nachos). Great!

Josh and I enjoyed this meal as one of our last together for about a month. He'll be leaving to go to the south soon and I'll be leaving for Costa Rica while he's gone, so we're really getting in a lot of time together, which includes delicious food! :) He enjoyed the food, as did I.

I then talked to my dad on the phone who mentioned Blue Bell ice cream (and Rocky Road flavor, at that. My favorite favorite favorite). I can't wait to go to Texas at the end of the summer, and that's just one reason.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beef sliders and fries at Bare Burger

Tonight Josh took me on a little surprise date-night-kind of thing which included eating at a neat little restaurant called Bare Burger (http://bareburger.com/) followed by a stop at Cafe to Go on the way home. BareBurger was a really interesting place as far as the environment goes. I enjoyed the rustic-looking decor and thought it set an appropriate mood for enjoying the food they brought out to us, which was - I have to say - pretty great. I ordered beef sliders with french fries. The fries were amazing - if any of you have eaten at American Craft (previously known as Road House) in Boston or LuLu in Charlotte - they were so flavorful and really didn't need any sauce. However, they came with sauce and it was also a delight for the taste buds. Josh got a bison burger, which I tasted. I have to say, it tasted very good and if you've never tried bison (and if you eat meat), go for it. At a good restaurant! I included a couple photos so that you can see how it looked inside: exposed brick walls, glass bottle for serving the tap water, and the chandelier made of - yes, that's right - spoons. I have to apologize for the quality of the pictures; all of these photos are taken with my phone's camera. But you get the idea! I'd recommend it!

The cafe we stopped at on the way home was neat - local, new, lots of sweet treats and good coffee drinks. I got a chocolate croissant with a decaf latte. I might throw it in a post so you can see how delicious it looked, but I'm still not sure. I mean, if I'm to really continue blogging about my food experiences, you'll have to see a LOT of coffee and a LOT of pastries. Just look at my profile picture! Proof. THAT was in Portland, OR at Powell's City of Books. Another post entirely! All in all the night was fun. Walking around in Astoria (down by Steinway St) can be fun, and tonight it was very peaceful because we took the less crowded routes. Josh was feeling a little bit of a cold, unfortunately, but still took me to these neat places! Thanks to him :)

Egg and cheese croissant at Carnegie Deli

So as you may have noticed, I am a sucker for egg and cheese sandwiches, especially croissants! Josh and I went to this place a few weeks ago while awaiting the arrival of a friend, and I literally ordered the smallest thing I could, which was still enormous!! But it was fantastic. I couldn't finish it, but man I enjoyed what I could eat.

Don't eat at this place unless you have money falling out of your pockets - we regretted it when we got the bill. But like I said, very tasty!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Coffee and Tea fighting heart disease? I'll take it!


Pulled BBQ Chicken Sandwiches with Peach and Strawberry Cobbler

Tonight I made two recipes that I found - one on my Android phone and one just searching online - for a grand total of two very pleasing dishes. My audience was myself, Josh and Ben and all were pleased. Especially me :) I added vanilla frozen yogurt to the warmed cobbler in order to create the hot-and-cold mixture that so many people enjoy. I actually prefer mine cold... but don't tell anybody. Especially in the south.

I used Arnold's whole wheat kaiser rolls instead of buns and fresh green beans on the side of the BBQ chicken. It was my first attempt at making anything that involved "pulling" and I must say it came out nicely! Instead of boiling the chicken as the recipe calls for, I kiiind of boiled it in a skillet. Very little water. It turned out great!

It was a pleasant start to an evening that could have been better spent - the three of us went to see The Karate Kid, which was truly terrible. The kid was adorable, but his acting was not. Spare yourself. But! This is a food blog, so. Back to the food - Ben was kind enough to bring over some very fancy and tasty apple juice, which was a nice complement to the dinner itself. Anyone interested in the recipes will find them below; I made a few tweaks to mine so feel free to take them and run! Get creative; it's almost always more fun AND tastier that way.

Enjoy :D


Recipe for pulled BBQ chicken sandwiches: http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=59333&src=droid

Recipe for cobbler (originally just peach): http://southernfood.about.com/od/peachcobblers/r/r70913a.htm?r=et

Info on Pret a Manger, the brand of apple juice we enjoyed: http://www.pret.com/

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Home made granola

This wasn't fancy by any means but it was *very* delicious and filling. Makes the perfect snack! I can't wait to make this again because I didn't have all the proper materials on the first try. Here's what I used: raw oats, apple slices, crushed pecans, banana slices and peanut butter. I mixed it all together in a bowl, then sprinkled a little water and spread it over over the pan. I think all in all I had it in the oven for 20 minutes or so, but that's probably just because I put water in the mix.

Next time I'll be using honey and cinnamon instead of peanut butter! :)

This recipe was inspired by my friend Thomas, who brought his own granola to school one day. This lasted me a few days. I would suggest it to anyone who loves granola and likes to get creative with snack food!

Oats: Bob's Red Mill 5 grain, http://www.bobsredmill.com/

Red velvet cupcake!

Exploring the city with Josh and his friend Eugene, we came across this cupcake shop. I can't remember the name unfortunately, but will look it up later!

Red velvet cake is a pretty difficult piece of culinary mischief because it can easily turn out dry. This was an example of defiantly dry red velvet :( However, it was a really fun evening and I should mention that we also had Tasti d lite. I think I'm an addict.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Supertasters! I think I'm one.

So this isn't a post about my food necessarily but it explains my obsession with it :)


French dip and swiss at Tastee Corner

Tonight after a long evening of going stir crazy and singing too much and too loudly for anyone's good, Ben and I convinced Josh to take us to calm our hunger needs. Funnily enough, I was flaunting my blue moon bbq chicken stirfry and it made us even more hungry than we already were, leading to a serious diner attack.

Like I've said, the diners here just don't compare to Brighton Cafe, but this French dip and swiss made my night. Tastee Corner is just a few minutes' walk from Josh's apartment and they have my kind of service (don't bother you and let you hang around until you ask for the check). I could only eat half of this beasty sandwich, so I'll be enjoying a beefy, jus-y and cheesy lunch tomorrow. Fries weren't bad either :p

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Blue Moon Barbecue Chicken Stirfry

This was a dinner at home in Boston a couple weeks ago. As you can see, it ended up being quite a lot of food! So it wasn't just dinner; it was lunch for a few days. I really love me some leftovers and have a knack for preparing them.

This was made by taking some basmati rice (my favorite rice by far), frozen broccoli, carrots and cauliflower, fresh mushroom slices, and skinless chicken breast and throwing it all in the skillet with some light barbecue sauce and a bit of Blue Moon beer. It turned out very nicely, super flavorful and if I'm not mistaken, not bad for me :) I'm not a huge fan of beer but like the taste of Blue Moon - it makes a great addition in the skillet (especially with something like mushrooms, which soak it up). I'll have to make it again soon!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Egg and cheese from Brighton Cafe

I made a post about Cafe Mirror not too long ago, and this diner is almost exactly the same and located not too far away. I think they are owned by a family, which makes it even better :) This is my favorite favorite restaurant in Boston, although it is nothing fancy. It fueled my new-found attraction to diners, which really I think has just been dormant for years. Seeing as how breakfast is my favorite meal, any restaurant that serves breakfast all day wins my favor. This place in particular has won my total loyalty. I have taken Josh, other close friends in Boston and even my friends' band from Knoxville. All pleasant experiences. This is a nice and plain egg and cheese croissant with home fries. Without fail, I order a decaf iced coffee to go along! Mmm. Makes me miss Boston. I haven't found an equally pleasing overall diner experience here in NYC yet... any suggestions?

Delicious Mexican food that I've been longing for!

After waiting a painfully long year - not an exaggeration - I found a real sit down Mexican restaurant in Astoria! I got my favorite, enchiladas suizas. I can't tell you how happy this made me and my tummy. El Rey Restaurante Mexicano - que comidaaaa, hombre. Just a little spicy. Perfect!

Some of you have been putting up with my complaining all throughout the school year (cough, cough) because there are no restaurants like this in Boston (that I can get to, anyway). Well you don't have to worry anymore, because I took care of my serious craving for authentic and filling comida mexicana. Can't wait to go back :)

Just a little snack.

Turkey roll - Boar's Head smoked turkey rolled with a piece of provolone cheese, with a bit of fruit on the side. It was just enough to keep me truckin' on this rainy day in Astoria, NY.

Information on Boar's Head: http://www.boarshead.com/
The fruit actually came out of a Starbucks fruit cup... not bad!

Tasti D Lite Frozen Yogurt in the City

Yesterday, Josh, our friend Ben and I went into Manhattan just for this special treat. Tasti D Lite is like a fancy, better TCBY for all my TN friends. This picture is not as pretty as it could have been for a couple of reasons (the guy had some trouble with my yogurt and then it got kind of melty), but I assure you that it was indeed tasty. I got a side-by-side with dutch chocolate (my absolute favorite flavor of frozen yogurt/ice cream of any kind) and rice pudding. Interesting flavor for frozen yogurt, right? It did taste like rice pudding... but that is a completely separate food adventure so I won't get carried away here :) Notice the chocolate crunchies on the outside. Perfect addition! It was a fun time, right across from Central Park, in a a nice area of the city that I actually really enjoy. Come visit and I will take you there! Fro yo on me.


For more info on Tasti D Lite (they make ice cream cakes that look scrumptious), visit: http://www.tastidlite.com/

Friday, June 11, 2010

First Real Day of Summer!!

I woke up on the day after I finished my first year of graduate school (classes, anyway - I wasn't done grading yet) and walked to one of my favorite diners. Cafe Mirror is located in Brighton Center in Brighton, MA. Sadly, I'll be moving away from this area! The ONLY thing I'll miss about it is the food.

Anyway, this meal marked an incredibly happy time for me. What a relief! One of my favorite meals - broccoli and cheddar omelette with home fries and toast, plus an iced coffee (just cream, no sugar). DELICIOUS. And so reasonably priced. Notice in the background Patrick Rothfuss' Name of the Wind, an excellent book. The start of a trilogy, supposedly. Eagerly awaiting the second book! Some more of my pictures will have books in the background because, after all, reading goes along so well with eating :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Testing my blog - starting with an old favorite - breakfast!

Whole wheat pancakes with scrambled eggs and cheese. Wouldn't be complete without a glass of (skim) milk! Mmm. This is actually Josh's plate. As a a courteous chef, I took the one that was completely black. Although, I ended up throwing it out for the birds! ;)

Some syrup would have been nice. Josh ended up with Cascadian Farm Ogranic Blueberry fruit spread and I with Nutella. Going separate ways does not always have to be a bad thing!

It was a great breakfast for starting off the day and starting off my summer in Astoria, NY.

Just FYI:
Jam: http://cascadianfarm.elsstore.com/view/category/216-fruit-spreads/

Pancake mix: http://maplegrove.stores.yahoo.net/orpawamix1.html

Friday, June 4, 2010

Coming Soon!

The library is closing now and my computer has a horrible virus so I won't be able to really get cranking on these posts until tomorrow. Happy eating :)

About Me

My photo
I'm 25-yr-old grad student who is really getting into her food. I live very far away from my family and most of my dear friends, and I would like to be able to share my food adventures with them. As most of them know, food is really the only constant in my life.
