Welcome to my food adventures!

I have recently decided to put my obscene love of food to some use. Now family and friends can keep up with me as I explore different kinds of food - at home, at restaurants, in other countries, etc.! I really do find that I associate lots of great memories with the food I eat. So this is as much a project for myself as it is for my friends and family. Enjoy! Hope some of it makes you hungry :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Food Coma from Work Party

This will be a short post because I'm beat. Part of the reason that I'm so tired is that work today was full of action-packed fun, by which I mean we had a 55-minute party which offered more sweets than you can even imagine. Ice cream sandwiches, patriotic cupcakes, sherbet, sorbet, watermelon, grapes, snap peas?, yogurt covered raisins and sugar cookies. It seemed like a combination goodbye party for one of the staff in the library and the 4th of July. It was a really nice break from the tedious work that is the nature of graduate research assistant jobs, and I think the staff member who will be leaving us had a nice time, which is the most important part. When someone brought this cake out, I really regretted the little plate I had already prepared with a cupcake (frosting scraped off in the most socially awkward way possible, as you do). So I had a slice of this, which was pretty killer. I saved my cupcake for later. It's currently in my fridge, waiting to become the food adventure of tomorrow.

As for the title of this post... I think it speaks for itself. At the very least, I ended up at the gym tonight. Then the supermarket, of course.

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About Me

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I'm 25-yr-old grad student who is really getting into her food. I live very far away from my family and most of my dear friends, and I would like to be able to share my food adventures with them. As most of them know, food is really the only constant in my life.
