Welcome to my food adventures!

I have recently decided to put my obscene love of food to some use. Now family and friends can keep up with me as I explore different kinds of food - at home, at restaurants, in other countries, etc.! I really do find that I associate lots of great memories with the food I eat. So this is as much a project for myself as it is for my friends and family. Enjoy! Hope some of it makes you hungry :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Piña colada in Manuel Antonio

I'll add more later, but this was easily the best piña colada I've ever had!

Dulce marzo cafe in Monteverde, CR

Oatmeal raisin cookie (homemade) with an iced cinnamon latte. Stephanie, Rebecca and I stopped in here one day during our weekend trip and we were pleasantly surprised to find tasty baked goods and quesadillas, plus good coffee drinks! The owner is a lady from Texas (been meeting a lot of those lately). We sat and chatted with her for awhile. This was after...? Our morning of ziplining, which I can't believe I did!! Anyway, I also got a peanut butter cookie. They are so delicious when made right, and this one was perfect, with little sugar crystals on top. I went back on our way out of town and got another :)

This was my last excursion outside of the city, and it was my favorite.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Iced caramel mocha and Apple cinnamon cake

My last day in Manuel Antonio, CR. I went to this neat cafe called cafe milagro. Tasty! But touristy. It was a nice treat after walking in the HOT sun :)

Manuel Antonio was the second vacation we took outside of San Jose. There's really not much to do in San Jose so we were gone pretty much every weekend, especially the two long weekends we had, in order to explore the parts of Costa Rica that people *really* go there to see. Manuel Antonio proved to be a beautiful, although extremely touristy, place to visit. During the time that it's not raining, the beaches are beautiful and the water is perfect for wave jumping! :D I didn't even encounter a jelly fish.

Rebecca and I arrived Friday morning and met Gina, Miranda, Alex and some other people from our program. Rebecca and I went to have some lunch, which involved the frosty pina colada I've posted about, and then ran into the ocean! It was great fun but the waves were pretty powerful which meant some violent crashes to the head. Once the waves started to defeat me, I got out. Don't wanna mess with the sea!

The next day we went into the Manuel Antonio national park, which has quite a few hiking trails that lead to beaches, for the most part. The first beach was extremely crowded, but the second beach ended up being perfect for a few people... and, as it turned out, non-people. I was visited by monkeys, giant iguanas and an anteater type creature. Not to mention all the hermit crabs!

By the end of that day I was really exhausted, so I stayed in and watched ghost stories (after catching a little bit of an episode of True Blood!) while the other ladies went out on the town. It was relaxing until Rebecca woke up at 3 AM afraid that there was a spider in our bed :-P. There probably was! Better safe than sorry. The next day we slept in a little, had a delicious breakfast at the hotel's restaurant and headed into Quepos to catch our bus. Just before it was time to leave I took a little journey to this cafe.

Unfortunately, the burger that followed afterward in the bus station was really disgusting, turning me off from burgers pretty much for my entire stay in CR (if I'm not mistaken, it was my second burger in a year... pretty disappointing!). I'm looking forward to redeeming my burger relationship perhaps by heading to Bare Burger with Josh / Ben or making some at home...! But right about now I'd like to go back to that cafe and get a nice cold coffee drink. Mmmm.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chalupas ticas

These chalupas were made of toasted corn tortilla (the best kind), molé de frijoles, cheese, avocado and chicken. So delicious!! This, aside from the fish our mamá tica makes, is the favorite meal of both me and Rebecca. So far.


Since I was making ALL of these posts from my phone, I didn't have the patience to write much! So I'm going back into my posts from CR and adding some information. This dish, although simple, was definitely my favorite. Our host mom ended up making them the very last night, which made it bittersweet for me and probably for Rebecca as well. I tell you what, these little chalupas are just so tasty. And so easy to make! As we gathered around the table for our last dinner in Costa Rica, our host mom gave us goodbye gifts. It was actually very sweet, because she knew I had been looking for a flag and although I had already bought a tiny one (the big ones were so expensive!), she got me a slightly bigger one. It was nice!

And that wasn't the last of our interactions dealing with gifts... because I left a very important gift for Josh at the house when I left for the airport! So now she is going to mail it :D

I can't say I'll miss my host family experience in general, but I will miss some of the meals and stories we shared with our host mom.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chicken and mushroom crepe with chocolate frappe

Wayyy too much food and nowhere near as good as a broccoli cheddar and mushroom crepe at Paris in Boston (+ a frozen Nutella hot chocolate), but a nice break from the traditional rice and beans to be sure! Plus... there's a frozen yogurt place next door...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cappuccino frozen en calle de amargura

Rebecca and I went searching for the university bookstore and ended up in this cafe. Delicious! And really cool art :)

This was one of the few cafes I went to during my stay in Costa Rica. The frozen drinks were on the whole very VERY good! This place was close to school in the Calle Amargura area. There are lots of shops and sodas - bars where you can get food for pretty cheap - but unfortunately this area can get kind of shady at night so I never really saw it after 5:00 pm. This was one of the many things Rebecca and I would end up doing to kill time before going back to our house in Sabanilla, because there is absolutely nothing to do there except go to the supermarket. Which we did! If I remember correctly, this was a pretty rainy day. In fact, most days were rainy days! We were there during the Green Season (cleverly put) or the it-rains-like-hell-every-day season. Apparently it's worse in October, but I can't imagine! In any case, this was a great little find.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Costa Rican sushi

Rebecca and I were needing some sushi so we went to this place right near the uni. It was delicious! Obento número 1 came with California roll, miso soup and green tea for like 3,000 colones! Mmm. We went with a guy from Texas, who told us about getting arrested for something to do with chili...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Plátanos with queso and cinnamon, sopa, arroz

Our mamá tica made this interesting dish with baked plantains, cinnamon and cheese. What a combination! She also made soup with lentils, carrots and pork. Dinner is usually really heavy, which is hard to get used to. Rebecca and I always gather at the table wondering qué diablos (kind of like WTH, what on earth) we are going to eat at each meal. It's always a surprise, and usually tasty! We talk with our tica mom about our day at school, about life in the states, and about food :) and of course, escrappy is always waiting in case something falls...

Friday, July 2, 2010


This is my pack travel food: pb and j on wheat roll, pb and apple, apple slices grapes and cheerios. There's more in my backpack.

This food is for the arenal volcano!!! PURA VIDA.

About Me

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I'm 25-yr-old grad student who is really getting into her food. I live very far away from my family and most of my dear friends, and I would like to be able to share my food adventures with them. As most of them know, food is really the only constant in my life.
