It's been a long summer, and now it's coming to quite an abrupt halt. It truly felt like it lasted ages. I worked most of the summer in a library on campus, with a couple of fantastic two-week vacations here and there. You've seen some of the food from Spain, but I'm afraid I've been behind in my posts from Tennessee. Here I'll include an insert about how much I miss having an Android phone, from which I could make posts on the go. Now I have to dedicate sit-down time to this, and everyone knows how little of that I'll have at my disposal when the semester starts back up!
In any case, this pathetic meal marks the beginning of a year which will be spent as the Director of the Casa hispánica here at BC (in lieu of teaching). I'll hopefully be making a blog for it, boosting the virtual presence of the Casa - which right now is approximately zero. This school may be ancient but its students are of course rolling in technology and I think it will be a great idea to get the Casa a facebook page and all of that. So be on the lookout! I'll certainly be making lots of food for my residents (watch out for the Andean festival in the fall and the Spanish festival in the spring - those are going to have some KICK ASS food).
The beautiful thing about this narsty looking omelette (Shitake mushroom, broccoli, cajun seasoning) and the ominous lemon poppy seed banana bran muffin (have you ever seen juxtaposed the words "ominous" and "lemon"?) is that they were both made in a HUGE, well equipped kitchen with a brand new stove/oven, refrigerator and dishwasher. You can't believe how discouraging it was living in that tiny cave apartment with my tiny 1/2 kitchen. Now I will be able to properly entertain guests! In fact, it is one of my duties here in the Casa.
So, come one and all to sample my weird looking but excellent tasting food. Or just read the blog :p